FREEMASONRY: The Three Degrees
FREEMASONRY: The Three Degrees

Editors Note: We have included this topic noting that many Grand Lodge’s now publish the topic of the “Three Degrees” on their websites. We therefore regard this information as being in the public domain and does not fall within our “Sacred Oath”. W.Bro. Michael Holmes, Editor.

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that has its roots in the medieval guilds of stonemasons. The organization is divided into degrees, which are stages of initiation and advancement within the organization.

The degrees in Freemasonry vary depending on the specific Masonic organization, but the most common are the Craft degrees, which consist of the Entered Apprentice degree, the Fellowcraft degree, and the Master Mason degree.

The degrees in Freemasonry are named after the skills that were traditionally required of stonemasons.  

The Entered Apprentice degree is the first degree in Freemasonry and is intended to teach the candidate the fundamental principles and symbols of the organization.

The Entered Apprentice degree is named after the first stage of apprenticeship in the stonemason’s guild, where apprentices were taught the basic skills of the trade.

The Fellowcraft degree builds on the lessons of the Entered Apprentice degree and teaches the candidate more advanced concepts related to the organization’s teachings.

The Fellowcraft degree is named after the second stage of apprenticeship, where apprentices were taught more advanced skills.

The Master Mason degree is the highest degree in the Craft degrees and represents full membership in the organization.

The Master Mason degree is named after the highest level of skill and knowledge that a stonemason could attain, and represents the culmination of the candidate’s journey in Freemasonry.

It’s worth noting that there are many other degrees in Freemasonry, including the Scottish Rite and York Rite degrees, which are separate from the Craft degrees and require additional initiation and advancement. These degrees are named after their respective origins and the themes and symbolism they use.