LUCIFER and The Age of Enlightenment
LUCIFER and The Age of Enlightenment

The name “Lucifer” originally referred to the planet Venus, which was seen as the morning star and was often associated with light and knowledge in ancient times.

In Christian theology from the Age of Enlightenment , the name “Lucifer” was used as a term to describe the prideful angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, commonly identified as Satan or the Devil. 

It can be seen as propaganda created by a Reactionary Catholic Church fighting a rear-guard action against the Age of Reason and Age of Enlightenment thinkers of the late medieval ages.

During the Age of Enlightenment, which was a cultural and intellectual movement in Europe during the 18th century, there was a renewed interest in classical mythology and pagan philosophy. Some writers and thinkers of this era saw Lucifer as a symbol of the individual’s quest for knowledge, freedom, and rationality, and they used the name to represent their ideals of enlightenment and human progress.

However, the association of Lucifer with Satan as the embodiment of evil persisted in Christian theology and popular culture. The idea of Lucifer as a rebellious and prideful figure who defied God’s authority and sought to overthrow him became a powerful symbol of the devil in Christianity, and this association was reinforced by literary works such as John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Dante’s “Divine Comedy.”

In modern times, the name “Lucifer” is often used as a synonym for Satan or the devil, and is often associated with evil and temptation. However, some religious and spiritual traditions continue to interpret the name in a positive light, seeing Lucifer as a symbol of enlightenment, knowledge, and personal growth.



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