Secret Societies
Secret Societies

Secret societies have been a part of human civilization for centuries, and their mysterious nature has sparked curiosity and intrigue.

While some societies are still active today, others have been disbanded or have faded into obscurity. Here are the top 20 secret societies, their current status, and modern-day conspiracy theories about them.

1. The Freemasons: The Freemasons are one of the most well-known and oldest secret societies in the world. Founded in the late 16th century, this fraternal organization has been shrouded in mystery and conspiracy. The Freemasons are still active today and have over 6 million members worldwide.

2. The Rosicrucians: The Rosicrucians are a mystical group that was founded in the early 17th century and is believed to have influence in the realms of science, philosophy, and the occult. The group is still active today and has around 500,000 members.

3. The Knights Templar: The Knights Templar was a medieval military order founded during the First Crusade in the late 11th century. The group was disbanded in the early 1300s and is no longer active. However, it is still a popular subject of conspiracy theories.

4. The Illuminati: The Illuminati is a secret society that is believed to have been founded in Bavaria in the late 18th century. It is thought to be an influential group of powerful individuals that is attempting to control the world. While the Illuminati is not officially recognized today, it is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.

5. The Bilderberg Group: The Bilderberg Group is a secretive organization that meets once a year to discuss topics related to world events and economics. The group is comprised of some of the world’s most powerful leaders and is believed to be attempting to control world events. While the group is not officially recognized, it is still active today.

6. The Skull and Bones: The Skull and Bones is an elite society at Yale University that is believed to be a powerful secret society. Founded in 1832, the group has included some of the most prominent figures in American history. While the group is still active today, it is shrouded in secrecy and is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.

7. The Thule Society: The Thule Society was founded in Munich in the early 1920s and was a major influence in the Nazi Party. The group is no longer active, but it has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories concerning its influence in modern society.

8. The Priory of Sion: The Priory of Sion is a secret society that is believed to have been founded in the 12th century. The group is believed to be guarding a secret about the Holy Grail and is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.

9. Opus Dei: Opus Dei is a Catholic organization that has been accused of being a secret society. Founded in Spain in the early 20th century, the group is believed to be attempting to control the Catholic Church from within.

10. Bohemian Grove: Bohemian Grove is a secretive meeting place for prominent figures in politics and business. The group meets annually in California and is believed to be attempting to control world events.

11. The Order of the Golden Dawn: The Order of the Golden Dawn is a secret society that is believed to be connected to the occult. Founded in the late 19th century, the group is believed to be involved in the practice of magic and is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.

12. The Knights of Columbus: The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic fraternal organization that is believed to be involved in secret rituals and conspiracies. The group is still active today and has over 2 million members worldwide.

13. The Fabian Society: The Fabian Society is a British socialist organization that is believed to be attempting to control the government from behind the scenes. The group is still active today and has over 20,000 members.

14. P2 Lodge: P2 Lodge is an Italian secret society that is believed to have been involved in numerous scandals and conspiracies. The group is no longer active, but its influence is still felt today.

15. The Order of the Garter: The Order of the Garter is an exclusive secret society that is comprised of some of the most powerful people in the British government. While the group is still active today, it is shrouded in secrecy and is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.

16. The Ordo Templi Orientis: The Ordo Templi Orientis is a secret society that is believed to be connected to the occult. The group is still active today and has around 10,000 members worldwide.

17. The Knights of Malta: The Knights of Malta is an ancient order that is believed to be involved in secret conspiracies. The group is still active today and is believed to be attempting to control world events.

18. The Paneuropean Union: The Paneuropean Union is a secretive organization that is believed to be attempting to create a unified European state. While the group is not officially recognized, it is still active today and has around 350,000 members.

19. The Bilderbergers: The Bilderbergers is a secretive organization comprised of some of the world’s most powerful leaders. The group meets annually to discuss topics related to world events and economics. While the group is not officially recognized, it is still active today and is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories.

20. The Council on Foreign Relations: The Council on Foreign Relations is a think tank that is believed to be attempting to control world events. Founded in the early 20th century, the group is still active today and has over 5,000 members.

Secret societies have been a part of human history for centuries, and their mysterious nature has sparked curiosity and intrigue. While some of these societies are still active today, others have been disbanded or have faded into obscurity. The above list details the top 20 secret societies, their current status, and modern-day conspiracy theories about them.